Saturday, February 9, 2008

Late FIlming

Finally got around to filming this past Thursday.  I had 4 audio guys because I guess there were more audio groups than there are video groups.  The ones who weren't working were just kind of standing around until I needed something moved or needed someone to hold the camera while I positioned myself on the floor or something.  That didn't really make much sense, so next shooting the date is Monday (yes, the due date) and only two of them are showing up for that one.  

Shooting was kind of frustrating. The dog didn't show up so we're going to have to shoot that stuff on Monday.  I hope we can get the light for the scene with the neighbor too.  Schedules are still unpleasant and I haven't yet figured out exactly how I want to take the grinding scene, but it'll happen...however that happens.

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