Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Oops, I just realized I didn't post for last week...

Anyways, I am so excited about how the casting for P2 turned out! JD and I were able to get our first choice for all of the leads and nearly all of the other parts as well! I hope things turned out well for the rest of you!

I am also very impressed with Jillian in how her ADR turned out. We ended up ADRing the entire scene of dialogue between the two actors, but Jillian was amazing with it, and got nearly all of the lines on the first take.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Finishing P1 and Preparing for P2

We did ADR last night for almost an hour and a half. It went really well. My audio team is excellent and Lindsey was able to ADR a scene that we had no original audio for. Of course, that was my mistake on location, but with a little time, her voice syncs up perfectly. I am excited for P2 and trying to make arrangements for shooting locations in my hometown of Fishers. I had always envisioned the setting of this film being a "suburban bubble." Fishers is the blue print of suburbs. I'm going to see how expensive getting the rights to The Who's "Baba O'Reily," which mentions Teenage Wasteland through out the song. I will also have a better chance of getting the local police to participate in the film. Tonight after auditions I will be able to picture the scenes a little better, knowing who's face will become each character. I really want to put in a lot of effort for P2, and hopefully, send it into some contests.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Project #2- the Beginnings

So project two seems to have potential. I am looking forward to auditions this week; being able to cast our own characters will be a new challenge. I don't have much to say about this week's blog so I will end saying this. The purpose of this blog forum is to benefit the rest of us as readers and to trouble shoot our technical and time problems. If someone has an issue with a group member or a professor, be professional, and contact them in person and do not use this resource as a bitch-session. This class is about collaboration, and preparing us as directors and producers. Directing is about leadership and teamwork. If you are only in it for self-benefit, and not willing to take the time to help others, then you need to step down. Be professional, or get out.

Capt'n "Time" Crunch

So ADR went very smoothly, I overbooked time, and only took about 45 minutes. I am still worried about the FOLEY work. I haven't been able to contact my 330 group members, and haven't heard of their progress yet. I am hoping to wrap things up Friday since I have a wedding this weekend. I hope everything works out.


I feel horribly behind. I need to get into contact with my group and get this ADR under control. They both have similar schedules, so this is nice. After calling Swingly about 30+ times, I finally gave up, and worked upstairs in via two. I think it's interesting that he encourages us to be professional, yet he can't control his e-mail or phone calls. I understand people are busy, but frankly, you're a professor, and should be professional enough to know what you can and cannot handle. PS- I'm tired to tutoring your beginning audio students. 


Not sure what the deal is with ADR...had a meeting with the audio guys on thursday, and they had a pretty good list of foley sounds to get.  however, i did learn that they planned on using canned sounds.  canned sounds sound like canned sounds, and therefore sound like unoriginal shit.  they didn't seem to be willing to go foley their own sounds, so i'll probably have to do that myself this week.  i had drill this weekend so i left muncie early on friday and heard back via txt message what my actors' schedules were for me to schedule ADR, so i called in to one of the audio guys to sign us up, but apparently the slots were taken.  worked it out to record one actor at 10 tonight, not sure when we're gonna get to record our actress...probably gonna have to do that myself.  just got back to muncie a couple hours ago from (drill, meeting, and interview w/ federal agent) so i'm abso*******lutely exhausted and not knowing what the current status of everything is.  gonna try to piece it together in the next couple minutes.  in my current state i have more in common with bruce banner than anyone else (read: hulk) and my patience well is dry going into the day; here's hoping i can get a sitrep/figure things out/work everything out without turning green.   (disclaimer: if i should happen to 'hulk smash!' and rip your limbs from your body or break you in half and/or eat you, i apologize.)

Ready to be Done

Once again I can't get word from anybody about scheduling ADR for the movie. I'm not talking about the audio crew but the people in my movie. I've just had the worst time on this damn project. I wish I had a time machine so I could go into the future and be done with this God damned project. I can't wait to get my grade and delete from my hard drive so I never have to look at it again. I have a horrible feeling in my gut that I'll end up having to do the ADR in Letterman or Clone to get it finished. I've never felt so helpless in getting a project done.

As far as the other script goes, I've already rewritten it and picked out the part for the acting student to do. The easiest, shortest part in the movie. I think the movie will turn out pretty good. The only difficult part will be getting permission to use a funeral home. I'm confident I can do it though.

Catch Up

Okay, so I think I'm almost caught up...almost.  I don't think scheduling ADR will be that bad for Tara now that her show is over. I don't know what LA is looking like, though. We'll see about that.  I'm excited to get this audio at the end corrected since you can hear the traffic so badly.  

I went to re-film the beginning this weekend (because it's too bright), but there was some confusion and my friend wasn't home and I couldn't get into her apartment.  On top of that, it snowed again, so I took all that as a sign that I didn't need to be filming.  Maybe I would have gotten sick or something.  Who knows.  

Sunday, February 24, 2008

ADR/New Script

Like everyone else, scheduling ADR has been difficult. Although, with the quality of sound we are getting from these sessions it is very tempting to skip a couple nights of sleep and re-dub the entire film. With our next script taking place both outside and in a car I will definitely keep that as a consideration. Speaking of the next script, Kelly and I are anxious to get started. Looks like there will be a few challenges in terms of production, but should be fun. We are in the process of looking for an older actor from Cornerstone Center for the Arts possibly. Auditions for the other three guys will obviously come out of the Theatre department.

ADR & Such

Scheduling ADR has become hell for me -- my main actress is in LA, and won't be back until Monday evening. Luckily, I was able to find a spot (while skipping class), so all should be okay.

I haven't really looked into my second script all that much; been very busy. But I'm slowly coming up with ideas to jazz it up. I'll for sure go over it tomorrow and get a good idea with Sean about what we want and how we're going to pull it off. Should be exciting!

ADR and communication issues

At the beginning of the week, everything was going great. I had the video all done and there seemed to be no problems getting it onto the pro-tools program. Even better, my audio people were actually responding. I had a time reserved to do ADR on Friday and turned out my actress couldn't make it. We still got some ADR done because the other actor was able to make it. However from there, the communication has dropped dramatically. I tried to contact my actress several times to try and figure out when she was available to do her part of ADR, but she didn't start responding till Saturday morning (actually really late Friday night after I was already asleep). By the time I got the email and looked at the times, everything was full.

At this point I don't really know what to do. I sent Swingley an email yesterday to ask for his advice and told him we would be willing to go in at 4 in the morning if we have to. I know he does freelance work on weekends, so he hasn't responded to me yet. Hopefully we can get this all worked out, but right now I am a little on the edge. Why can't people just check their cell phones like most normal people do? Especially when you know you are a part of a crunch time scenario.