Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Finishing P1 and Preparing for P2

We did ADR last night for almost an hour and a half. It went really well. My audio team is excellent and Lindsey was able to ADR a scene that we had no original audio for. Of course, that was my mistake on location, but with a little time, her voice syncs up perfectly. I am excited for P2 and trying to make arrangements for shooting locations in my hometown of Fishers. I had always envisioned the setting of this film being a "suburban bubble." Fishers is the blue print of suburbs. I'm going to see how expensive getting the rights to The Who's "Baba O'Reily," which mentions Teenage Wasteland through out the song. I will also have a better chance of getting the local police to participate in the film. Tonight after auditions I will be able to picture the scenes a little better, knowing who's face will become each character. I really want to put in a lot of effort for P2, and hopefully, send it into some contests.

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