Friday, February 22, 2008

ADR/script escapades

So ADR was recorded at the lovely time of 11 pm- 12:30 am for my film [Thanks, Theatre rehearsals- ugh.]

Anyway, they went really well, I think Stephanie and Matt were really amused and excited with the process and the takes we got were pretty good. I got to officially meet my audio team, and from what we were able to talk about, I'm confident that they'll do a great job on the post-production. I still have to figure out music, though- has anyone gotten anything from Rich about when he'll be in his office to look over music libraries? I think that'd help me a lot in the process.

Other than that, we've already picked scripts and I feel ready to go for auditions next week. My only concern is that I was talking with Stephanie and apparently there aren't many big female roles in the scripts chosen, so she's making it sound like there might be a bit of a draw for me and Andy's script (our protagonist is female). Good thing or bad thing? I guess we'll see!

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