Sunday, April 6, 2008

Almost Done

For the most part it appears the film is going well. I've emailed our main actors to try and schedule possible ADR just in case, although right now Andy and I don't think we'll need it. Andy's been getting B-roll this week to fill in some transitional gaps, so he's actually done most of the work this week. Also, the Star of David necklace is MIA, but he's worked around it.

I'm a bit concerned about some of the audio team members. I trust Kelly because he knows how both sides work, but Andy was supposed to meet with some other members earlier this week and was blown off essentially. I'm hoping this will not be a pattern during the post-production process, since there's not a lot of time to get everything done and we want to bang out the best film we can.

Is anyone else just kind of ready to be done? This has been a long semester and I'm kind of glad we're now passing the films onto the audio team and we can be finished with it.

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