Saturday, March 22, 2008

Murphy's Law

Everything that can go wrong is happening. I can't schedule my actors at all. I even set up a meeting that all 3 said they'd be at and only one showed up. We accomplished nothing but realizing what I already realized. 2 of my actors are in the play into the woods and will be tied up with rehearsal and the actual performances all week. My other actor won't work after midnight so I can't schedule it after they're done rehearsing and performing, either. My only hope is that Dwnadra has mecry on me and let's me get new, outside actors to play the roles. I don't know why they'd sign up for the movie if they knew they wouldn't be able to do it. It seems hard to believe that they would really think they could handle all that work, not to mention homework on top of it. Hopefully everything will work out and I'll just have to do it somehow whether it's with the actors or not. I know I've said it before but it's just been a hassle having to deal with the acting department in this class. It's been way more dificult than it has to be and most devastating of all, no fun whatsoever. That's the only thing I've ever wanted from making videos and these two movies are the first I've ever done that weren't a total blast. In fact, they've been the total opposite.

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