Sunday, March 30, 2008

Almost to Post'

We're one scene away from post.  Even though schedules were a beast to work around, everyone made their times and filming went really smooth all week.  Each scene continues to increase my excitement with this project.  Everything looks like I imagined it.  I built a track/dolly this week that has yielded a couple really sexy shots.  It looks unwieldy--made of PVC pipes, aluminum triangle trim and skateboard wheels with a big ol' flat top and some 2x4s thrown in the mix, but it produces a nice smooth tracking shot.  Ladders and my Steady-Stick were also called for.  I can't express enough gratitude to our location contacts for allowing us to film and for giving us a pretty free set of reins once we started.  Got a lot of ADR work on the horizon for next week due to wind and echoes on locations, and already have someone working on the score.  

We'll show a sample of what we've got tomorrow in the rough cut.

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